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Persuasive Letter Writing

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Thanks to James Murnane, students in Mrs. Pileggi and Mrs. McCormick’s second grade class at Dickinson Avenue enjoyed a new selection on the lunch menu.

In writer’s workshop, students recently learned about functional texts, persuasive writing, stating their opinions and supporting their opinions with reasons. To practice using this new knowledge, students reviewed the school lunch menu to gather information, and then brainstormed ideas for new food items to be added to the menu.

Each student wrote a letter to persuade Mrs. Donna Lauriano, our lunch room manager, to select his/her lunch choice for the menu. Some of the suggestions included watermelon salad with goat cheese, barbequed ribs with corn bread and apples with Nutella.

James Murnane’s winning lunch menu item, grilled mozzarella cheese sandwich with marinara dipping sauce, was selected to be featured on the district’s April menu. His letter, explaining that “hot and gooey” grilled cheeses could warm anyone up on a “cold winter day” was very persuasive. Well done, James!