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Keeping Summer Minds Sharp with Tech Ed

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During the summer, the district offers many enrichment camps for students to keep their minds sharp. Tech Ed Camp is one such enrichment opportunity that to aims challenge, excite, and motivate students to engage in STEM concepts, and introduce creative design thinking and technological skills. Students engaged in a hands-on and minds-on experience, including projects that focus on computer integrated manufacturing, computer science, engineering design, and robotics automation.

During the camp that ran the week of July 8, campers from fourth grade through high school ages had had the opportunity to work on various projects, including using the CNC ShopBot router to create wooden signs and coding and controlling VEX robots.

“Sometimes these camps really set the stage for students to be motivated to engage with engineering and computer science throughout middle and high school,” said Northport teacher and camp advisor Tom Mauro. “They have fun while exploring paths to 21st century careers.”

Students intently worked on their projects all week, and some are already interested in pursuing a career in a STEM field in the future.

“It’s awesome that we have access to tools that a lot of other students don’t,” said sophomore Justin Marques, who has been participating in the tech camp since he was in fourth grade. “I gained a lot of experience from these camps and hope to maybe pursue an engineering career in the future.”