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Attendance: Reporting and Chronic Absenteeism

Attendance and Attendance Reporting

All schools in the Northport-East Northport UFSD will take daily attendance whether school opens in September in-person, hybrid, or remote. Attendance policies and procedures will be communicated with families and students prior to the start of the school year or if the instructional model changes during the year. Communication will take the form building level parent letters/newsletter, robocalls, emails, text messaging, and social media. Teachers will record daily attendance in the eSchool student management system based on the required daily scheduled student contact and engagement. Daily reports will be generated to identify students who are absent and/or chronically absent. Contact with the families will be made daily to determine reasons for absence and needs or barriers the student may have to participate in daily lessons.

Chronic Absenteeism

While there is no one-size-fits all approach to addressing chronic absenteeism, Northport-East Northport UFSD is committed to providing interventions to prevent and address health-related and mental health chronic absenteeism. We recognize that many factors will influence student attendance, and may be greatly impacted by the instructional models provided; in-person, hybrid, and remote.

The Northport-East Northport UFSD addresses chronic absenteeism as follows. 

  1. Nurture a culture of attendance
    • Communicate clearly to families and students what the attendance policy is and expectations for participating based on the model of instruction
    • Explain the importance of attendance to the entire school community
    • Track daily attendance, tardies, and student engagement in one central, secure location.
  2. Early Identification and Intervention
    • Each school regularly monitors attendance data and communicates with parents about issues as they arise.
    • Use data to identify which students are at risk, so you can intervene before isolated absences become chronic absenteeism.
    • Establish intervention plans; parent phone call, home visit, counseling, instructional modifications, engage community partners, etc.
  3. Continue to foster a positive school culture and a focus on engaging instruction
    • Evaluate and address your students’ engagement in learning
    • Provide teachers and school leaders with multiple levels of support to help students stay more engaged and act positively.
    • Help students achieve positive social and emotional character development, while reinforcing the behaviors that make up your ideal school culture.