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The Northport-East Northport UFSD will conduct transportation activities that are consistent with state-issued public transit guidance and NYSED School Reopening guidelines. Students and school staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times on school buses (e.g., entering, exiting, and seated) and should maintain appropriate social distancing to the extent practicable.

Students who are able will be required to wear masks and social distance on the bus to the extent practicable; however, students whose physical or mental health would be impaired are not required to wear a face covering, but must be appropriately socially distanced. Members of the same household may be seated within 6 feet of each other. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to drop off or walk students to school to reduce density on buses.

All buses that are used every day by districts and contract carriers will be cleaned/ disinfected once a day with a disinfectant proven effective on SARS-CoV-2 and or a long lasting antimicrobial surface protector. High contact areas will be wiped down after the morning (AM) and afternoon (PM) run depending upon the disinfection schedule.

School buses shall not be equipped with hand sanitizer due to its combustible composition and potential liability to the carrier or District. School bus drivers, monitors and attendants must not carry personal bottles of hand sanitizer with them on school buses.

Wheelchair school buses will configure wheelchair placement to ensure social distancing of 6 feet. If transportation staff must have direct contact with a child during onboarding, travel or offloading, they must wear gloves. 

Whether school is in session remotely or otherwise, pupil transportation will be provided to nonpublic, parochial, private, charter schools or students whose Individualized Education Plans have placed them out-of- district in schools that are meeting in face to face sessions.

All students are entitled to transportation by the district to the extent required by law. Transportation departments do not have the ability or the right to deny transportation for children who are in foster care, homeless or attend private or charter schools. Parents who may have missed the due date to request out of district transportation due to a reasonable excuse may file a 310 appeal with the Commissioner of Education.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Refer to the cleaning standard operating procedures guidance for further information.

  • Buses and other transportation vehicles will be cleaned and disinfected daily (focus on high touch areas) and in between runs if scheduled for multiple routes. At the end of the day the bus will be cleaned and disinfected.
  • Daily Cleaning
    • All trash removed
    • Floors swept and dust mopped
    • Walls and windows cleaned
  • High Touch Surfaces
    • Bus seats and seat backs
    • Seat belts
    • Door handles, handrails
    • Driver operator area
  • Cleaning and disinfecting products approved by the EPA will be used according to instructions.
  • Eating and drinking will be prohibited on the bus
  • Buses will be inspected to ensure cleaning/disinfecting protocols are followed on district owned and contracted buses
  • All cleanings/inspections will be documented (via trackable log)

Bus Protocols for a reported case of Covid -19 on a school bus:

  • Patricia McGrane, Transportation Supervisor in the Northport-East Northport UFSD will be notified.
  • The district will then notify building administration and a plan will be implemented to contact parents of students on that bus.
  • The bus will be taken out of service for 24 hours before the bus can be used again after a report of COVID-19.
  • Bus will be disinfected following CDC guidelines.

Students on Transportation

  • As was outlined in the Health and Safety section of this guidance, all parents/guardians will be required to ensure their child/children are not experiencing any signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and do not have a fever of 100 degrees or more prior to them boarding their method of transportation to school;
  • Students must wear a mask on a school bus if they are physically able. Students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering, including students where such covering would impair their physical health or mental health are not subject to the required use of a face covering;
  • The District will be reinforcing bus rules in the schools and ask that families do the same at home to help ensure the safety of bus riders. Every bus is equipped with a camera that will be used to identify students who break social distancing rules and/or remove their face covering. The District will be utilizing progressive disciplinary measures to address offenders. Please note, students who are unable to medically tolerate a face covering for a proven reason will be provided accommodations.
  • Students should social distance to the extent possible on the bus;
  • Students who do not have a mask can NOT be denied transportation;
  • Students who do not have masks must be provided one by the district;
  • Students with a disability which would prevent them from wearing a mask will not be compelled to do so or denied transportation.

Training (Office Personnel, Drivers, Mechanics, Aides)

  • Hazard Communication/Right-To-Know (annual)
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Exposure Control/Bloodborne Pathogen (BBP)
    • COVID Awareness
    • New cleaning Protocols (buses, transportation center)
    • Handwashing
    • Face Covering (sizing, use, wear & care)
    • Personal Health and Hygiene
    • Special working conditions with face coverings (strenuous activity)

Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Disposable gloves (if applicable)
  • Face Covering/Mask
  • Face Shield (if applicable)

Transportation Communication

  • Northport-East Northport UFSD will emphasize to parents and students prior to reopening schools that the District has thoroughly disinfected all buses and student transportation vehicles
  • Northport-East Northport UFSD will communicate with parents and students that student transportation vehicles are included in the district’s COVID-19 plans and what part students and parents will play in ensuring safety and minimizing infection while utilizing District transportation services
  • Advise parents not to send their children to school or board the bus if sick or with an elevated temperature
  • Survey parents regarding transportation including an “opt-out” option
  • Remind students/parents/guardians that social distancing requirements extend to the bus stop
  • Communicate with administration multiple routing scenarios for different instructional scheduling options (split session, alternating days, hybrid option)

Density Reduction, Social Distancing, Bus Capacity

  • CDC guidelines suggest creating distance between children on the school bus when possible.
  • As a density reduction strategy, the district is building routes and bus configurations to reduce density.
  • This results in approximately 22 students on a 66-passenger bus
  • If/when we transition to the “all in person model” the numbers on each bus may be higher than 22.
  • This fact emphasizes the importance of transportation “opt outs” especially at the elementary level.
  • Allow siblings or those that live in the same household to sit together
  • Place floor decals or tape to indicate where students should sit and to mark six (6) foot distances in aisles
  • Utilize the seat directly behind the drive last
  • Provide hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol. Follow current rules regarding the use of hand sanitizer on buses and other transport vehicles
  • Students shall wear face masks (if required) while in transit when social distancing is not possible
  • If applicable, have an aide take student attendance/screening on every route, every day, to and from school. The attendance sheets should be documented in writing and retained for contact tracing


  • The Northport-East Northport UFSD has developed multiple routing scenarios for administration to analyze different instructional scheduling options
    • Split sessions
    • Alternating days
    • Hybrid schedules – some grade levels in person learning at school buildings, other grade levels virtual remote learning
    • Utilize computerized routing programs to provide different routing scenarios and analyze cost/feasibility
  • Limit rotation of substitute drivers and aides if possible
  • Limit student movement between bus routes
    • Discontinue allowing students to ride different buses on different days of the week
    • To the extent possible, mirror AM and PM routes, so bus riders are the same group each day

Loading/Unloading & Pickup/Drop-off

  • Students shall be loaded in sequential route order. First student on the bus sits in the back, when going to school, last student off sits in the back when going home from school
  • Dismissal times will be staggered to best suit building needs and to promote social distancing
  • Adjustments will be made by buildings:
    • For unloading and entry, and loading and departure
    • Route timing which will be affected by delayed loading/unloading processes
    • Arrival and departure activities shall be supervised to ensure social distancing
  • Will add or modify bus routes to reduce load levels on buses

Transporting to BOCES

  • Northport East Northport UFSD will be transporting to BOCES and will follow similar protocols as previously described
  • Northport-East Northport UFSD will keep a log of attendees on the trip in both directions from the BOCES building. Upon request, schools may need to supply the log of passengers in addition to cleaning logs in the event BOCES must assist in contact tracing due to exposures either at the BOCES buildings, or during transportation