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Northport – East Northport Board of Education Holds Annual Organization Meeting

The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education. thumbnail260328
The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education. thumbnail260329
The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education. thumbnail260330
The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education. thumbnail260331

The Northport-East Northport Union Free School District Board of Education held its annual organization meeting on July 11, where new Board trustee Michael Cleary and reelected trustee Carol Taylor were sworn in to office to begin their three-year terms.

Carol Taylor was elected as the Board of Education president and Larry Licopoli Ph.D. was elected vice president for the 2024-25 school year.

Additionally, Dr. Dave Moyer was sworn in as the district’s superintendent of schools.

Date Added: 7/12/2024


Three Northport-East Northport Students Place First in Long Island Science Fair

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Three Northport-East Northport Union Free School District students received top honors at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Science Fair where they showcased their impressive science projects.

Earning first place was Ocean Avenue Elementary School student Eden Campbell, Ocean Avenue Elementary School student Milan Patel and Northport Middle School student Luke Dinsman.

Additionally, Zoe Wood from Northport Middle School and Charlotte Sheahan from Pulaski Road Elementary School earned Judges Choice awards, and Matthew Ingram from Ocean Avenue Elementary School and Gabriel Affatato from Pulaski Road Elementary School earned honorable mentions.

More than 250 students from 65 Suffolk County schools entered science projects in the Science Fair hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Congratulations to these students on their impressive achievements!

Date Added: 7/10/2024

Annual Commencement Celebrates Northport High School Class of 2024

Northport's Class of 2024. thumbnail260216

The sun warmed the smiling faces of a distinguished group of graduating seniors on June 28 at the Northport High School commencement ceremony, honoring the Class of 2024 and celebrating their collective accomplishments.

As “Pomp and Circumstance” carried through the air, the excited graduates took to Stadium Field for the last time as students of the Northport-East Northport Union Free School District. The commencement exercises then began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Senior Class Representative Marie Kovacs and the national anthem performed by the Northport High School choirs under the direction of Mr. Dana Warren.

Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Moyer then took the stage to address the Class of 2024 where he shared encouraging words with graduates.

“Embrace the beauty of the moment,” he said, “seize the opportunities that present themselves to you, serve others around you and always, always, look to the good.”

Salutatorian Luke Tuthill spoke to his fellow classmates about the importance of balance and, although difficult to perfect, it is worthwhile to pursue.

“Achieving the balance of looking at what’s right in front of you while also looking ahead can be challenging, especially where there are so many options for you to choose from,” Luke said. “Even though striving for balance can be challenging, it can also be a very worthwhile goal.”

The Northport High School choirs then continued their tradition of singing “Fields of Gold” before Board of Education President Dr. Lorenzo Licopoli addressed the graduates.

“What a beautiful day for the Board of Education and all of the members of the community here today to celebrate the Class of 2024,” Dr. Licopoli said. “The Board also extends our gratitude to family, friends, district leaders, faculty and staff who have supported and guided this class.”

Valedictorian Emily Wickard then delivered her address, in which she implored her peers to embrace failures and pursue challenging endevors.

“Perseverance got us this far, and it is what will take us forward into our futures, whatever they may be,” Emily said. “Sometimes making changes can be difficult, disorienting and unwanted. This uncertainty can be overwhelming and uncomfortable, and it is only by staying the course and putting in the work to do what is best for you that you will succeed.”

Northport High School Principal Rob Dennis encouraged students to remember the small details of their life and to use them as learning experiences to propel them into a successful future.

“Today marks the next phase of your journey,” Mr. Dennis said. “I ask you to think about the details that have helped you arrive here today and the ones that await you. It is my hope that Northport High School is a detail that you look fondly upon years from now as you add to your life’s pages and chapters.”

Members of the Board of Education then began the presentation of diplomas. After the final diplomas were presented, cheers and applause echoed across the field as Senior Class Representative Charles Loeber led his peers in the tassel change and students emphatically threw their caps to the sky, exiting the field as alumni of Northport High School.

Click here to view the Annual Commencement Celebrates Northport High School Class of 2024 slideshow.

Date Added: 7/1/2024

ENMS Students Win NYS Project Citizen Award, Advance to National Showcase

ENMS Students Win NYS Project Citizen Award, Advance to National Showcase  thumbnail260158

Congratulations to East Northport Middle School sixth graders Christian Budesa, Sarina Kraehling, Luke Sackichand and Iliana Swist, who are students in the district’s Gifted and Talented program (Investigate). They completed a legislative advocacy project that won first place in the New York State middle school-level competition of Project Citizen, a national civics initiative.

In New York, the state-level competition is run by the Justice Resource Center in New York City. The judges at the Justice Resource Center selected the ENMS students’ project as the best middle school submission for New York State and have advanced the project called “Common Cents” to the national-level competition.

Later this summer, a panel of judges in California will evaluate all the state winners’ projects. The students’ legislative advocacy project proposes a national plan to advance teaching and learning in financial literacy.

The students worked with Investigate teacher Brianne Furstein, Law Program coordinator David Scott and instructional technology resource teacher Brendan Colfer. Congratulations to our Investigate students on this great success, and best of luck as their project advances to the Project Citizen National Showcase this summer.

Date Added: 6/27/2024

East Northport Eighth Graders Celebrated at Moving-Up Ceremony

East Northport Middle School’s eighth grade students. thumbnail260113

East Northport Middle School’s eighth grade students celebrated their moving up on June 25 with a ceremony that celebrated their accomplishments as middle school students and offered encouragement as they prepare to take the next step in their academic journey.

The ceremony included words from Principal Pat DeStefano where he encouraged students to pursue their dreams and to not be deterred by the possibility of failures.

“Each of you will continue the legacy of East Northport Middle School as a school of excellence,” Mr. DeStefano said. “Next year at the high school, challenge yourself to grow. Join a club, play a sport, participate in a school musical or simply take a course that will expand your views and skills. Do not let failure defeat you, but see it as an opportunity to build intellectual, emotional and physical strength.”

Students crossed the stage to receive their certificates of completion to cheers from family and friends in a joyous moment that marked the end of their time as students at East Northport Middle School.

Congratulations to the East Northport Middle School Class of 2024!

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/26/2024