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Academy of Finance

Business Education Department Courses and Videos

AOF Newsletter

The Academy of Finance (AOF) is an interdisciplinary program which prepares students for a career in Business.  AOF is designed for students interested in the areas of finance, accounting, marketing and advertising, management, production and operations.  

AOF is a national program established to develop future leaders with the skills necessary to succeed in sought-after industries.  The National Academy Foundation (NAF) partnership bridges the gap between the classroom and the workplace. Students will participate in job shadow days, attend field trips and work-place tours, listen to experts in the field, and participate in a paid summer internship. 

AOF is a three-year program which students apply for as 9th graders and begin in the 10th grade. AOF students work together cooperatively and develop real-world personal and technical skills that will make them successful future business leaders.  

Criteria for Application/Selection

  • Interest in Business
  • Application/Essay
  • Teacher Recommendation
  • Interview

The Northport High School Academy of Finance earned 'Distinguished Academy' status. We are one of 28 academies out of over 500 nationwide to earn this top honor! 

Contact Mrs. Allison Schwabish at 262-6877 or Mrs. Kristen Cogan at, (631) 262-6676 for more information.