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ENMS Students Win NYS Project Citizen Award, Advance to National Showcase

ENMS Students Win NYS Project Citizen Award, Advance to National Showcase  thumbnail260158

Congratulations to East Northport Middle School sixth graders Christian Budesa, Sarina Kraehling, Luke Sackichand and Iliana Swist, who are students in the district’s Gifted and Talented program (Investigate). They completed a legislative advocacy project that won first place in the New York State middle school-level competition of Project Citizen, a national civics initiative.

In New York, the state-level competition is run by the Justice Resource Center in New York City. The judges at the Justice Resource Center selected the ENMS students’ project as the best middle school submission for New York State and have advanced the project called “Common Cents” to the national-level competition.

Later this summer, a panel of judges in California will evaluate all the state winners’ projects. The students’ legislative advocacy project proposes a national plan to advance teaching and learning in financial literacy.

The students worked with Investigate teacher Brianne Furstein, Law Program coordinator David Scott and instructional technology resource teacher Brendan Colfer. Congratulations to our Investigate students on this great success, and best of luck as their project advances to the Project Citizen National Showcase this summer.

Date Added: 6/27/2024

East Northport Eighth Graders Celebrated at Moving-Up Ceremony

East Northport Middle School’s eighth grade students. thumbnail260113

East Northport Middle School’s eighth grade students celebrated their moving up on June 25 with a ceremony that celebrated their accomplishments as middle school students and offered encouragement as they prepare to take the next step in their academic journey.

The ceremony included words from Principal Pat DeStefano where he encouraged students to pursue their dreams and to not be deterred by the possibility of failures.

“Each of you will continue the legacy of East Northport Middle School as a school of excellence,” Mr. DeStefano said. “Next year at the high school, challenge yourself to grow. Join a club, play a sport, participate in a school musical or simply take a course that will expand your views and skills. Do not let failure defeat you, but see it as an opportunity to build intellectual, emotional and physical strength.”

Students crossed the stage to receive their certificates of completion to cheers from family and friends in a joyous moment that marked the end of their time as students at East Northport Middle School.

Congratulations to the East Northport Middle School Class of 2024!

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/26/2024

PORT Academy Hold Graduation Ceremony for Class of 2024

Congratulations to the PORT (Program of Resilient Teens) Academy graduates. thumbnail260086

Congratulations to the PORT (Program of Resilient Teens) Academy graduates, who celebrated the completion of their time in high school on Friday, June 21 where the students celebrated their collective accomplishments and reflected on their fond memories at PORT Academy with their families, teachers and staff.

As the celebration began, the district’s Director of Student Support Services Shannon Dantuono acknowledged the exceptional accomplishments of the students and their resiliency in the face of challenges. “Your time here has been more than academic growth, it has been a testament to perseverance, personal development and the power of a supportive environment,” she said during her opening speech.

Congratulations to the graduates on this incredible achievement!

Date Added: 6/26/2024



Northport Middle School Hosts Annual Moving-Up Ceremony

Eighth graders celebrating moving up. thumbnail260051

Eighth graders celebrated their final days of middle school surrounded by their peers, families and friends at the annual Northport Middle School Moving-Up Ceremony on June 24.

The ceremony began with students sharing some of their most influential memories from their middle school years, talking about sports, field trips and performing groups as highlights of their time at Northport Middle School.

Principal Dr. Tim Hoss addressed the audience, where he shared with students the importance of the learning process itself and not just the work they complete or projects they do. He also reiterated their ability to create change and the impact they have on the world now and the impact they will have in the future. He also shared that each year, the school gives a name to the graduating class, with the Class of 2024 labeled the “Class of Extraordinary Individuals.”

Assistant Principal Dr. Chelsea Brown shared words of encouragement with students as they continue to Northport High School.

“Today marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another,” Dr. Brown said. “As you prepare to embark on your adventure of high school, remember to carry with you the lessons you learned at Northport Middle School, cherish your friendships, embrace new opportunities and always strive to be the best version of yourself.”

Congratulations to the Northport Middle School Class of 2024!

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 6/25/2024

Board of Education Recognized Student of the Month and Lifesaving Staff Member

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At the June 20 meeting of the Northport-East Northport Board of Education, the Board recognized the Rotary Student of the Month and a staff member for her lifesaving actions.

Congratulations to senior Kevin Cusumano on being named the Rotary Student of the Month for Career and Technical Education.

Kevin was recognized by his teachers for his ability to diagnose and repair even the most complex car issues, his willingness to take on difficult projects and his personal growth.

“It is difficult when you get a car that comes to you in pieces and basically you have to figure it out, and Kevin has the knowledge to be able to do those things and make it happen,” said Wilson Tech Instructor Ralph Savarese.

“It feels amazing to earn this award because I have worked up to this moment by learning and expanding my knowledge,” Kevin said.

In the fall, Kevin will be attending a two-year Toyota and Lexus program at Suffolk County Community College.

The recognitions concluded with the Board honoring school nurse Shari Beyersdorf who saved a life using the Heimlich Maneuver at Fifth Avenue Elementary School.

Date Added: 6/25/2024