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High School Arts and Literature Magazine Selected for Awards of Excellence

High School Arts and Literature Magazine Selected for Awards of Excellence photo thumbnail86614
Northport High School’s Art and Literature Magazine, the Amaranth, was recently selected for both national and state-wide awards for the 2016-2017 school year.

This art and literary magazine club is advised by high school English teacher Kelly Baldwin and Fine Arts teacher John DeRosa. and is comprised of high school students who are responsible for the production in its entirety. Students write poetry and prose, create paintings and photographs, select submissions from classmates, edit, and more.

The Amaranth won a third-place award in the annual American Scholastic Press Association’s magazine competition for the 2016-2017 school year. This organization believes that creating a publication teaches students the fundamentals of publishing, creative writing, concepts of design, and more, and the organization believed that the Amaranth showed dedication to excellence in these areas.

“I feel that it is well deserved, as well as exciting, to see that all of the club’s hard work has paid off,” said club advisor Mrs. Baldwin.

In addition, the Amaranth was recommended for the highest award for New York State from the National Council of Teachers of English, or NCTE. Northport’s publication was one of 10 to be recommended for the highest award.

Both awards were based on the 2016-17 school year’s publication. Participating students were Julia Aherns, Rachel Buda, Michaela Caruso, Madeleine Corrigan, Maya Dengler, Jack Dunckley, Tina Guo, Leilani Kaiser, Caroline Hines, Ciara Lavin, who is the current Editor in Chief, Erica Marill, Emily McDevitt, Zoe Perles, Natalie Thieke, Zachary Sackstein, Sofia Sawchuk, Ceylan Swenson.